Provincetown Massachusetts - Selected Photos of My Happy Place

ALL ORIGINAL PHOTOS ©COPYRIGHT 2023 - FRANK DeFRANCESCO Southern New England: Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island Also showing my hometown, in Connecticut halfway between NewYork City and Boston; CAPE COD with Provincetown at the very tip. * * * * * The Pilgrims first landed in Provincetown in the year 1620 before proceeding to Plymouth Massachusetts Cape Cod is noted for fishing and in the 1800s whales were hunted off the coast. Portuguese immigrants from the Azores and Cape Verdes Islands came to settle in Provincetown because of the whale and fishing industry and were the predominant ethnic group there for many years. On the fishing pier there is a tribute to the Portuguese women of Provincetown The tower is Pilgrims' Monument A view of the town from McMillan Wharf One view of Commercia...